Exam Stress
Exams are stressful for us all, but some of us can deal with the pressure better than others. For some people, exams can cause severe stress and affect how you feel all of the time. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when there is a lot going on, but it’s worth seeking help if these feelings are starting to:
- Give you feelings of anxiety
- Make you feel depressed or hopeless
- Impact your sleep
- Impact your eating habits
- Prevent you from doing things you would normally enjoy
If this is happening for you, speak to someone you trust to get it off your chest. It is worth doing, and could make you feel a lot better.
If you are suffering from exam stress please ensure that you:
- Speaking to trusted teachers and family about it, so they are aware of how you are feeling.
- Being kind to yourself and take time to relax.
- Ask your teachers about counselling or support available.
There is lots of support available to you if you find yourself suffering from exam stress such as:
- Young minds has lots of advice and coping mechanisms for coping with exam stress.
- Student minds has resources on how to self-care for your exam stress.
- Mind has tools on how to cope with and overcome exam stress.
- Call Childline on - 0800 1111
If you feel as though your stress is getting out of hand, make sure to speak to your GP, local CAHMS Service or With Me in Mind team to get the help you need.