Stainforth Kirton Lane Primary School

School Milk

Children up to the age of five are entitled to free school milk every day.

The milk supplied to Kirton Lane is provided by Cool Milk, a national supplier who delivers to a network of local dairies.

Children over five at Kirton Lane pay 18/19p per day for their milk. This is less than the national standard charge of 22p. Children who have milk will drink it just before or after their morning play.


In order for your child to receive milk each day, you need to register them with Cool Milk. 

  • If your child is under 5, Cool Milk can provide the milk free but you MUST register with them in order to receive the milk.
  • If your child is aged over 5, Cool Milk can provide healthy, nutritious school milk daily for less than £15 a term.  


For children in other year groups you can apply online by logging onto the Cool Milk website using the following link: COOLMILK


 All milk must be paid for in advance via the CoolMilk online system – school cannot accept payment for milk.