Early Years Foundation Stage
In foundation stage it is imperative that we lay secure foundations for learning giving children the very best start, and here at Kirton lane, we ensure this is an exciting adventure.
Play is at the heart of our curriculum and through play children will have the opportunities to embed and build on current learning, develop language and communication skills and improve their thinking skills. Children will learn to explore and ask questions, concentrate and challenge themselves and will develop ways to problem solve. It is these characteristics of effective learning that will ensure children become successful lifelong-learners.
We have an exciting indoor and outdoor learning environment that the children love to explore. Our children love to build creatively, investigate capacity in the laboratory, explore the natural world around them in our wooded area, recreate experiences in the role play and apply mathematical knowledge whilst playing games outside. Take a look at the photographs to see our children in action!
During the first 6 weeks of Reception, we carry out the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA). At the end of Reception, we complete an assessment which is known as the EYFS Profile. We continuously assess through observation and use these observations to create a learning journey that shows the progress children make during their time with us in the Foundation Stage. We encourage parents and carers to become part of this learning journey by sharing experiences and aspects of learning from home through the app Evidence Me.
Below is the Knowledge and Skills Organisers for each half term so far.
First Half Term - Autumn 1
Nursery long term plan and progression of skills and knowledge.
Below is the long term overview for Reception Classes. These outline what each class shall be learning throughout the year.
A copy of our Early Years Foundation Stage Policy can be found here
Copies of our Reception class newsletters can be found here:
Reception long term plan and progression of skills and knowledge