The curriculum for science is included in the school Long Term Plan. A different aspect of science is covered each half term. Where possible, links are made to the half termly topic. However, teaching and learning is led by the specific science objectives; with topic links being used to engage pupil interest, create meaningful contexts for learning, make explicit the links between science and ‘the real world’, and enable children to demonstrate and practise skills from other curriculum areas (especially maths, DT and computing).
Scientific Enquiry Types
Working scientifically is taught within all year groups on a continuous basis.
The five types of scientific enquiry are taught within all units. The progression across the school reflecting the requirements of the National Curriculum for Science, as detailed below:
All units include the teaching of ‘secondary sources’. A minimum of two further enquiry types are taught each half term, as indicated on the Long Term Plan, in order to ensure that all are covered adequately across the school year.
Key vocabulary to be taught is also included on the Long term plan.
The Big Question
The Long Term Plan includes a ‘Big Question’ for each half term. This is shared with pupils at the beginning of the unit of work; during the ‘Engage’ week.
Initial discussion of the Big Question, is used to recap and review the children’s prior learning. They are encouraged to hypothesise about the answer and explain why they think this might be the case. Information from this discussion, misconceptions etc, then informs future planning.
Objectives are taught over the course of the half term, making explicit links back to the ‘Big Question’.
At the end of the unit of work, the Big Question is answered.
At least twice a year, the Innovate and/or Express focus will be a STEM based task.
Learning Walls
The Big Question is displayed on the science part of the STEM learning wall.
This records the journey of learning and exploration which leads to the answering of the Big Question in the final week of each unit of work.
The images around this text are displayed on Learning Walls to show the enquiry types and are referred to regularly during discussion.
Key vocabulary is included on the Learning Wall and incorporated into learning with children being encouraged to use it in both verbal and written responses.
Pupil books
Pupil books demonstrate the following (as appropriate to the age group):
- Launch of the Big Question including pupils’ initial hypotheses and the evidence for this (as appropriate to the age group)
- The use of Chilli Challenges to allow appropriate levels of support and challenge for all pupils.
- Chilli challenges include the Scientific Enquiry images and maximise opportunities to develop pupil understanding of this aspect of the science curriculum
- Teachers are encouraged to refer Chilli Challenges back to the ‘Big Question’ within the ‘Blow your Top’ challenge and within class discussion
- At the end of the unit of work, pupils should answer the Big Question
The science statements on the EAZmag system are used for assessment purposes.
Teachers complete assessments at the end of each unit of work
Knowledge, skills & understanding explored in Science are learnt through the 'Develop' stage and applied where relevant in the 'Innovate & Express' stage.