Stainforth Kirton Lane Primary School



History Sequence

History is carefully sequenced in the long-term plan to aid progression in historical skills. Firstly, History is the main focus of every year group’s topic in Autumn 1. This was carefully designed to give the children opportunities to build the foundations of Historical skills in Autumn 1, which can then be referenced and built on in later topics. Additionally, History topics are sequenced chronologically to build upon prior knowledge and allow children to gain a better understanding of chronology and time periods.


History Intent

Our History curriculum aims to provide all pupils with exposure to different interpretation and enquiry skills in History. These are:

  • Continuity & change
  • Cause & consequence
  • Similarity & difference
  • Significance

Through these historical skills , the children are taught the relevant historical knowledge to link their learning through four main component themes. These are:

  • Legacy
  • Significant events & people
  • Everyday life
  • Importance of place and location


We ensure, where possible, that we provide children with trips and visits to make their learning meaningful in History, which allows children to make links between their learning. We also show value to our own community by doing an in-depth study of Stainforth’s mining History as one of our topics in Year Six.


Planning- Implementation 

In EYFS, History is not explicitly taught but it is developed through provision activities that are set up in the environment. These activities are deliberately designed to replicate past experiences. The main learning in History comes through the topics that they study but it is also highly led by the children’s interests.

History is delivered through school in Years 1-6 by using a chilli challenge approach, which enables all children to access it regardless of their individual needs. Using a chilli challenge approach allows teachers to discretely differentiate work without capping children’s learning based on their perceived ability.

When planning History, teachers are expected to utilise the whole school progression document. The progression document outlines the knowledge children need to know and the historical skill it links to. This document also includes the vocabulary that children need to understand and use in their work. Additionally, the historical knowledge being taught is expected to be delivered to the children through the four main themes (legacy, everyday life, significant events & people and importance of place and location). This allows for children to be able to make connections in their learning, allowing them to recap previous learning and link to new learning. 

History Books

At the start of each topic in History, the children will create a timeline to place the period of history in relation to other periods of history previously studied through school. This allows children to make connections between their learning and develop a good understanding of chronology.

Following this, the children will work through chilli challenges throughout the topic. Firstly, the children will be made aware of the component knowledge theme the lessons links to. Secondly, they will be explicitly taught the vocabulary needed for the lesson. Thirdly, the knowledge needed for the lesson will be explored together. Alongside, the children will be drawn to the historical skill they are developing in that chilli challenge.


In EYFS, History progress is measured by assessing children against the Early Learning Goals relating to understanding of the world. Evidence of History learning is kept in a ‘Knowledge and Understanding floor book’, which has pictures and examples of children’s work to show learning. This book is visible in the EYFS classroom.

The impact of History teaching is measured through using an assessment tool to assess children’s knowledge of Historical skills and knowledge. At Kirton Lane, we also use pupil voice as a way of measuring children’s progress and knowledge in History. Additionally, teachers assess skills developed in foundation subjects through a ‘Show what you know quiz’ at the end of a topic. The children will complete a ‘quiz’ style set of questions. The quiz will enable the teacher to gauge if the child has retained knowledge in that area of history.

Classroom environment

In EYFS, the concept of chronology is displayed through the use of a timeline in the environment, which replicates events that have taken place/are going to take place in the future.

In Years 1-6 History is displayed in the classroom on ‘our learning journey’ display board, which has each week’s work on it as a reminder for the children to link their learning back to previous knowledge.

The knowledge learnt in History across school has recently been developed, refined and categorised into 4 key component knowledge themes. These are:

  • Significant Events & People
  • Everyday Life
  • Legacy
  • Importance of Place & Location

Knowledge, skills & understanding explored in History are learnt through the 'Develop' stage and applied in the 'Innovate & Express' stage.